A career advice can vary from a short period of guidance to a longer period of following a path together in order to gather new insights, depending on the specific question and situation. The composition normally is; first to explore in depth what somebody wants and is able to do (self analysis, present and past), subsequently developing new perspectives (near future) and finally developing actions towards the labour market following our joint conclusions. Our own extensive and diverged network will be placed at your disposal.

It can be stimulating to consult actual sources of inspiration to widen your scope. Regarding to the topic 'Work and Relation', one can think of Emotionally Focused Therapy (Dr. Sue Johnson). This EFT approach is described in a Hold me Tight program. Interesting regarding the theme 'Live and Health' is De Voedselzandloper (Kris Verburgh). A thorough analysis regarding 'normal' food and their influences on the aging process and weight (stay longer healthy).